CloudFerro is a provider of cutting-edge cloud services. We build and operate cloud computing platforms for specialized markets, such as the European space sector. Our broad experience and in-depth expertise include storing and processing big data sets, such as multipetabyte repositories of Earth Observation satellite data.
- IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) services in public, private or hybrid cloud model; computing, storage, cloud management, virtual networks, and XaaS virtual appliances
- EO Observation Data Repositories for the Copernicus and other satellite data (over 17 PB of online data)
- Various EO data access interfaces: file-based (NFS), object-based (S3), OGC WMS/WMTS, supporting large data volumes
- PaaS (Platform as a Service) services for EO data and PGaaS (Product Generation as a Service) allowing mass product processing
- Commercial access to EO VHR data (pixels from 0.55 m).
- Full IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) under one roof: public cloud, private clouds, dedicated servers, hybrid solutions – fully configurable as needed; extended with PaaS addressed to the satellite community
- Open Source: we use a mature and flexible cloud management system based on Openstack and Ceph technologies, which are industry standards, and therefore we ensure there is no vendor lock-in; open code enables environment auditing, which in turn increases project security
- Security: all servers and systems are located in dedicated neutral data centres in the European Union, which have been designed in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 27001 certified Tier III standard; high sums insured for operational activities and services
- Service mode: use the services you need at your convenience, without having to configure or expand the infrastructure or undertake further investment; easy budgeting
- Reliable technical support: available 24/7, provided at all levels by a highly capable and competent local team
- Compliance with EU laws and standards
- Cost-efficiency: we offer flexible, effective cost models, discounts and finance options.
We are one of the largest cloud service providers for the European space sector. We have built, operate and provide cloud computing services for two out of five European Copernicus DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) platforms: CREODIAS and WEkEO.
Our clients include:
- European Space Agency (ESA) – we provide public cloud computing services with the integrated satellite data repository
- European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) – we deliver hybrid cloud computing services, ensuring access to climate data, analyses, forecasts and indicators
- EUMETSAT and MERCATOR – we provide hybrid cloud computing services with access to satellite data, specifically relating to ocean, land, atmosphere and climate monitoring
- German Space Agency (DLR) – we support the CODE-DE platform that combines access to Earth Observation data with flexible processing.
We are a partner in H2020 projects. We work with nearly 30 scientific institutions and research centres throughout Europe, including the Warsaw University of Technology in the CENAGIS project. We are a member of the European Open Science Cloud.