On the 10th of May in the Banking-Conference Center in Warsaw an information meeting with ARTES 20 program experts from the European Space Agency will be held.
ARTES 20 IAP (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems for Integrated Applications Promotion) is a program in which applications integrating satellites system services are researched.
Integrated applications allow providing unique applications, which are used by services responsible for disaster monitoring, local governments, fire services, police, emergency services; agencies and entities responsible for road, sea and air traffic monitoring; logistical companies and other entities, which need to use applications integrating various satellite data.
In order to participate in the event the registration form needs to be send before the 8th of May, 15:00.
In the case of too many applications PARP reserves the right to an earlier registration closing.
The preliminary meeting schedule:
08:30 Welcome coffee
09:00 Welcome and introduction
9:20 The ARTES 20 programme: mechanism of implementation
10:00 ARTES 20 project examples
10:40 Coffee break
11:00 Bilateral meetings
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Bilateral meetings – continuation
16:00 – 16:20 Conclusion and way forward
More: Information on the PARP website