The first meeting of companies and research centres of PSIA this year was held on 22 May 2014 in Warsaw.The meeting addressed the summary of a 1,5 year long activity of PSIA, the presentation of new units which joined the organisation, confirmation of the plans for the coming year and a discussion with guests.
The year 2013 saw the Association work carried out in a few areas in parallel. The organisation was registered and organised internally in formal and legal terms. Next, works were carried out with regard to organisation recognition and information base was created. It was especially important given a massive increase of interest in the Polish space industry among the present members of the European Space Agency. Economic delegations which visited Poland consisted of representatives of foreign space agencies, companies and research institutes. They were looking for collective information about the Polish space sector, and especially about the needs and capabilities of specific Polish partners. The third priority for the Association was close cooperation with the public administration. Once Poland joined the European Space Agency, it had to face many challenges with regard to developing a national and European space policy – in this field, the Association decided to provide advice and content-related support from the perspective of the industrial and scientific sector. The fourth, and most important priority, was strengthening the competitiveness of the members of the Association by providing accurate information, advice, support and representation.
New Association members presented themselves at the meeting, including ABM Space Education, Antmicro, ATCG, Sorcersoft and Transition Technologies. Currently, PSIA has 30 members.
In 2014 the Association will focus on strengthening the development of the national space sector – also through content-related support of activities related to the establishment of a coordination unit for the Polish space sector, assistance in developing a national space programme as well as a long-term strategy of development of the space sector. PSIA will more closely cooperate with European organisations involved in the air-astronautic industry, such as EuroSat and EUROSPACE. The Association will continue providing considerable support for its members, including joint representation at fairs and industry conferences. PSIA is planning to join the Association of Employers of the Republic of Poland in July.
During an open part of the meeting, participants listened to presentations and participated in a Q&A session with the participation of the European Space Agency Industrial Ombudsman, Mr. Jack Bosma, and a member of the Polish delegation to the European Space Agency, Mrs. Anna Nałęcz-Kobierzycka.
For further information, please contact the Office of the Association.