Thorium Space Sp. z o.o. and Łukasiewicz-Instytut Lotnictwa have started working on the SUBCOM project, which would result in placing the new cutting-edge satellite communication system on the market.

A new system entitled SUBCOM is to ensure the radio frequency communication between ground segment and suborbital rocket BURSZTYN as well as determine the rocket position in the outer space. As a target, the solution is also to be offered to other producers of satellite platforms, suborbital rockets as well as lightweight launch rockets (able to lift a payload of more than 500 kg) and military missiles. The transmission will be moved through a constellation of three nanosatellites, which are planned to be deployed in Low Earth Orbit in a couple of years. The nanosatellites will be equipped with transmission modules.

The spectrum of activity on the project includes as follows: R&D works, production of prototypes, testing in laboratories as well as systems integration and verification. In parallel, works on adaptation of satellite platform (being in the disposition of Thorium Space) as well as its integration with a payload (developed under the project) will be conducted.

The SUBCOM is financed by NCBiR at the level of PLN 38,7 mln. The estimated cost of the investment stands at PLN 48 mln. The system will allow the Polish industry to test rocket technologies, especially those developed by Łukasiewicz-Instytut Lotnictwa. After completing the project, the technology should have at least TRL 7 reached. The ultimate verification of the above-mentioned technology will be an air campaign on board of BURSZTYN rocket. Then the communication system Earth – rocket – satellite as well as an inertial-radar navigation system will be tested.


Picture: Thorium Space.