On May 12, 2023 will be launched the fifth edition of the course ” INTRODUCTION TO SPACE FOR ENGINEERS. SATELLITE DESING PHASES 0 / A / B ” organized in cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology. This is a well-known and highly appreciated training, addressed to students, who want to start their career in the space sector. The course will cover up to 94 class hours; it will be carried out remotely (online) in weekend mode.

The training is dedicated for engineers with little experience in the space sector. This block is the first element of a two-stage course designed to provide full knowledge of satellite design and integration. The course aims to provide the necessary introduction to the basic information about the space environment and to present in detail the methods of designing individual satellite systems in phases defined by the European standard-setting organization for space engineering – ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardization).

On June 9, 2023, the course „SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND PROCUREMENT in the SPACE SECTOR” will be launched.

The course will be led by practitioners who are responsible for Supply Chain Management and purchasing in companies in the space sector on a daily basis. The training is organized by the Space Entrepreneurship Institute Foundation from Warsaw.

All details can be found on the IDA website: https://arp.pl/pl/o-arp/dla-mediow/aktualnosci/agencja-rozwoju-przemyslu-sa-zaprasza-na-kolejne-kursy-arp-space-academy/


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