5 years of the internship program for the space sector
5 years have passed since the launch of the Internship [...]
AN INVITATION. The training „Introduction to Space for Engineers”
The training „Introduction to Space for Engineers” dedicated to [...]
The 6th edition of the internship program for the space sector
The 6th edition of the "Development of human resources in [...]
The SPACE PL 2021 Member Catalog – download, read, find out about our sector!
The SPACE PL 2021 Member Catalog is already available. A [...]
THE INDUSTRY LIFE: CloudFerro starts with an option to get financing for the cloud computing services on the Creodias
CloudFerro launched the option to get financing for cloud services [...]
THE INDUSTRY LIFE: CBK PAN created a map of Poland’s land cover based on the Sentinel-2’s images
Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN created a map of Poland's land [...]
THE INDUSTRY LIFE: Dronehub will receive PLN 6.9 million for a software for drones to create orthoimages
The consortium led by Dronehub (formerly Cervi Robotics) will prepare [...]
Mars in focus again
On Thursday, February 18, the American spacecraft Perseverance landed on [...]
Who will benefit from Moon exploration?
Space and telecommunications law will be the subject of the [...]