Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center PAS
Prof. dr hab. Marek Sarna
Short Description
Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences is a leading astronomical institute in Poland. It was established in 1978. The main subjects of research include: stellar astrophysics, binary systems, circumstellar matter, dense matter and neutron stars, black holes, accretion processes, structure and evolution of active galaxies, cosmology, extrasolar planets.
Products & Services
- Evaluation of research projects
TD 5 Space System Control
TD 9 Mission Operation and Ground Data systems
TD 11 Space Debris
TD 12 Ground Station System and Networks
TD 14 Life & Physical Sciences
TD 16 Optics
More Info
Areas of activity in the space sector:
- Space System Control
- Mission Operation and Ground Data systems
- Space Debris
- Ground Station System and Networks
- Life & Physical Sciences
- Optics
Research and development areas:
- H.E.S.S., CTA (observations of high energy photons (TeV) via detection of Cherenkov radiation)
- SALT (Southern African Large Optical Telescope about 10 m in diameter)
- LIGO-VIRGO (detection of gravitational waves)
- Araucaria (calibration of the local extragalactic distance scale)
- SOLARIS (search for extrasollar planetary systems)
- AstroGrid-PL (polish platform for numerical computations)
- Polish Bolid Network (observations of meteors and comets)
- Gaia-ESO (the great spectroscopic review of the Milky Way)
Space projects:
- INTEGRAL, Fermi (satellite observations of gamma rays)
- BRITE (the first Polish scientific satellite)
- ATHENA (satellite observations in X-rays)
The ground station for the control of the scientific satellites BRITE is located at the CAMK PAN.
Clients and partners:
- ESA (European Space Agency)
- CNES (Toulouse, France)
- IRAP (Toulouse, France)
- MPE – Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics (Garching, Germany)
- Stanford University (California, USA)
- Harvard University (Cambridge, USA)
- Durham University (UK)
- Institut d’Astrophysique (Paris, France)
- Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (Japan)
- Ioffe Institute (St. Petersburg)