Maciej Sznajder
Short Description

Company was grounded in 2023 and is based on experience and knowledge transfer from the German Aerospace Center (DLR). Its field of expertise is related to radiation analysis of space systems and subsystems, degradation of materials used in space industry and support for radiation tests.

The company’s core business is the provision of services in the field of Radiation Hardness Assurance, e.g., estimation of the total ionizing and non-ionizing doses (TID and TNID) of EEE components as well as particle flux and fluence magnitudes. This information is then used to conduct radiation tests.

Products & Services

– Services related to radiation analysis of space systems, subsystems and individual components at all stages of the satellite construction and operation project. The analysis is performed in accordance with ECSS standards and using tools such as SPENVIS, OMERE, OLTARIS and the GRAS framework allowing for the so-called 3D Monte-Carlo analysis.

– Support in radiation tests of electronics (TID, SEE)

– Support in radiation tests of materials – using corpuscular and electromagnetic radiation.

– Analysis of data collected during radiation tests, e.g. the so-called cross-sections for SEE events, which are then used to determine the frequency of events during the space mission under study.

TD 23 EEE components and quality
TD 24 Material & Processes
More Info

Space projects:

– COMPASSO – project implemented in cooperation with the Institute of Quantum Optics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Research and Development Areas:

– Degradation mechanisms of space materials;

– Space radiation environments;

– Stability of space systems under space radiation conditions;


Customers and partners:

– Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V (DLR)