ITTI is a technological company which provides IT solutions and technologies to companies and institutions in Poland and abroad.
The main goal of the company is to develop innovative applications and customised software solutions. Since a number of years ITTI is also involved in R&D projects in international programmes (e.g. H2020).
The company headquarter is located in Poznan.
In space sector ITTI focuses on developement of software solutions in the following areas:
- Space Situational Awareness,
- Support to AIT (Assembly Integration and Testing) activities during mission preparation,
- Communication protocols (e.g. SpaceWire).
ITTI projects for ESA (selected):
Space Situational Awareness:
- P2-NEO-VI NEO User Support Tools (under SSA program)
- NEODECS – NEO Data Exchange and Collaboration Service
- NOAS – NEO&SST Observation Assistant Service
- SANORDA – Service for Archival NEO Orbital and Rotational Data Analysis
- SSA PL – Feasibility study to Setup a Polish Component to SSA
Software supporting AIT activities:
- HMI – The technology framework for the development of modular, portable and adaptive Human-Machine Interfaces in ground segment software products
- INSPECTOR – INtegrated SPacE Components Test platfORm
- ATENA – Adjusting open Test Exchange staNdard to the spAce domain
SpaceWire protocol:
- SPACEMAN – A SpaceWire Network Management Tool,
- SPACER – Implementation and Validation of the SpaceWire-R Protocol,
ITTI solutions (selected):
- Tools supporting NEO observations
ITTI (together with Astronomic Observatory of Adam Mickiewicz University) has developed a set of tools supporting astronomers in NEO (Near-Earth Objects) observations, e.g. observation planning tool, 3D orbit visualiser, sky sky chart displaying tool, calculator tool. The tool was developed as web service which will be available via ESA website.
- ATENA – tool for designing and execution of fuctional tests
ATENA (Adjusting open Test Exchange staNdard to the spAce domain) is a toolkit for designing and execution of functional tests of the satellite systems (as well as other complex systems). ATENA uses OTX (Open Test sequence eXchange format) standard which is commonly used in automotive industry. ATENA toolkit consists of OTX Editor and OTX Engine. Editor allows to build procedures in the form of graphics, tree or text (i.e. XML), while Engine is responsible for execution of procedures which are sent from Editor or introduced by a user from system console.
- SPACEMAN – SpaceWire network management tool
SPACEMAN is a software application for managing SpaceWire (SpW) networks which are commonly used for on-board communications. The functionality of SPACEMAN includes: (i) Automatic SpW network topology detection, (ii) SpW network configuration, (iii) SpW networks comparison, (iv) Live visualization of SpW network changes, (v) Network model editing, (vi) XML representation of SpW networks, (vii) Packet-level testing (NDCP, RMAP and SpaceWire).
Customers and partners:
ITTI runs projects in numerous international programmes managed by such institutions as: European Space Agency (ESA), European Commission (e.g. H2020 program), European Defence Agency (EDA), as well as European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA).
Among ITTI partners one can find universities, research institutes, small, medium and big companies from numerous European countries.