The National Institute of Telecommunications – the State Research Institute is a national research and development institution for telecommunications and information technologies. It conducts development work on state telecommunication networks, system and telecommunication device normalization and standardization. It works for the development of society and knowledge based industry. It offers scientific research and technical support for national institutions. It conducts the work done in practice by commercial entities on the market. It cooperates with organizations and scientific institutes, helping with the integration of the scientific community. It actively participates in creation of the European Research Area. Research activities are focused on scientific development and practical applications of the obtained results. The institute is a scientific unit holding an B rank.
Products and services:
The National Institute of Telecommunications conducts research and development work in the following areas: telecommunications and teleinformatics, including network planning and design, radiocommunication systems, broadband access and optical networks, network security and services, network management, computer method designs for knowledge managment and decision support, electromagnetic devices compatibility, networks and systems, telecommunications and information technologies software, optoelectronics, special communication systems development, which are especially important for state security.
The Institute is a vital participant in the process of implementation of 5G technology in Poland. The institution coordinates the work of Committee for “5G for Poland” Strategy led by Ministry of Digital Affairs. It also conducts research on influence of electromagnetic fields on human health and environment, especially in the surroundings of base transceiver stations.
The Institute conducts projects financed by domestic and European Union funding, research and implementation projects for economic entities, international projects, test services done in laboratories accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation.
- Power system architecture
- Telecommunication (sub-)Systems
- Antennas
- Automations and concepts
- Photonics
- A concept design for an universal GALILEO system receiver for maritime navigation, done in form of software defined radio. Analytic work on the GALILEO system potential in maritime radiocommunication applications (an indication of potential and planned services, important from the maritime radiocommunication perspective, in which the GALILEO system could be applied to: for example a Search-and-Rescue application, COSPAS-SARSAT, etc.)
- The Polish Atomic Time Scale TA(PL) database development. With the input from satellite time transfer systems a database was created with algorithm sets of time patterns. The database can used for the Universal Time Clock(PL), and also as an element of currently build European satellite ground stations.
- Starting and testing of the two-way satellite system for the purpose of connecting the Official Polish Time UTC (PL) to the international TAI and UTC time scales. Testing of methods of calibration of optical frequency standards.
- SAT-AIS-PL Phase A project – the purpose of the project is to provide at the level of the feasibility study a mission of AIS microsatellite. Main objective of its mission will be detection of Automatic Identification System (AIS) messages generated by vessels located out of range of inland AIS stations and sending this data to inland stations. The project is co-financed from Polish Industry Incentive Scheme (ESA) programme.
- EfficienSea 2.0 (Horizon 2020) project – dedicated to various aspects of e-navigation. One of the parts of the project is development of VDES (VHF Data Exchange System), including its satellite component
RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AREAS: - Research and development work, including participation to domestic and international research programs
- Implementation work, which is usual the natural consequence of conducted research
- Organizing of regular international scientific conferences
- Domestic and international normalization
- Pattern and measuring equipment calibration, conducted in accredited laboratories of the Institute
- Proficiency testing and interlaboratory comparing
- Publishing activities: „”Telekomunikacja i Techniki Informacyjne” – a scientific and technical national quarterly journal, „Journal of Telecommunications and Information
- Technology” – an European quarterly scientific journal, „Biuletyn Informacyjny” – a webzine.
In the Institute there are 4 laboratories accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation. The laboratories conduct test on various equipment and assemblies. Calibration laboratories conduct calibration work of measuring equipment.
- telecommunication network operators
- radio and television network operators
- measuring equipment producers
- state administration