Mariusz Krawczak
Head of Business Development and Marketing
Short Description
PCO S.A. became and still is not only the biggest but also nearly the only producer of optoelectronic devices with the use of laser technology. All products are a result of research and development activities of the company.
The main activity of PCO S.A. is to produce and sell optoelectronic observation and aiming devices using laser, TV, NV and IR for the needs of military and other uniform services.
Products & Services
PCO S.A. produces:
- fire control systems,
- noctovisors,
- laser radiation warning systems,
- observation systems.
TD 16 Optics
TD 17 Optoelectronics
TD 21 Thermal
More Info
Company’s management bodies:
- General Meeting of Shareholders
- Supervisory Board
- Management Board